I have put some more coffin plates online on AncestorsAtRest. One is for Adam H Jaynes from Ontario.
Adam H Jaynes
Died Feby 26th 1921
Aged 71 years 10 mons
If you want to have a peek at the index to coffin plates go toCoffin Plates
Good Luck
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Obituary Warner S. DRENAN, Vermont
Warner S. DRENAN is dead. After years of suffering, he breathed his last, Thursday night at his residence on Highland Ave., surrounded by dear friends, in the presence of a loving wife and baby children. It is not known how long he had been ill nor how much he had suffered. Born of hardy, pioneer parents, his wasn’t a nature that would complain and it is evident that he has suffered in silence for several years. The recent and more severe illness came upon him more than a year ago and cause was then diagnosed as consuption. About three months ago he was prostrated with the terrible malady and from which prostration he never recovered. Kind hands of loving friends ministered tohis every wnt and the best professional service was tendered him, but the fell destroyer had a too tenacious grasp on a constitution never strong and he passed away as in a gentle sleep, mourned by friends, relatives and neighbors alike. The editor of the GAZETTE regrets to state that he had no personal acquaintance with Mr. DRENAN, but he notes that his neighbors were his friends and a shadow of sorrow seems to hang over the whole community in the untimely demise of this popular young man. He has been a resident of Hardwick since he was five years of age.
He was born at Fort Slocum in 1864 and moved here with his father in 1869. Though bereft of a mother’s careduring his tender years his manly nature led him in paths that were right and he grew to manhood with attainments that, had he health, would have given him a peerage among peers. A close student at the Hardwick Academy, at the age of seventeen he was possessed of qualifications that entitled him to the positon of teacher which fact was taken advantage of and he followed that vocation for eight years, teaching the East Hardwick school successfully for seven terms.
In 1889 he married Miss Alma M. SILLOWAY, an estimable young lady of Elmore, who had been an assistant teacher to him during several terms. It may have been about this time that Mr. DRENAN became cognizant of the malady that later caused his demise. Leaving bright prospects at the old home, taking with him his bride of but a few hours he went to Sprague, Wash., where he secured a lucrativ position with the Union Pacific railroad. After five years of constant labor there he returned to Hardwick the illness of his father demanding his attention. Since then he has earned his livelihood by such light work as he was able to do.
The funeral was heldd from the Methodist Episcopal church last Saturday at one o’clock, Rev. W. S. SMITHERS officiating. The Hardwick band of which the deceased was an honored member attended the procession from the residence to the church thence to the cemetery, rendering beautiful dirges, of which the deceased was fond in life.
One of the largest congregations ever assembled in the M. E. church was present to do homage to an honest man. The floral offerings were very beautiful and were ingeniously arranged among the floral tributes was a very beautiful wreath in the centre of which were the letters “H. C. B.” The arrangement of the flowers was made by Miss Carrie WILLIAMS. A large procession followed the remains to the new cemetry. There he peacefully sleeps on the hillside among the flowers of his native town, and though interred with sorrow and gloom the birds are singing requiems over the new made mound in joy that a suffering soul has been released from troulbe and is at last at rest.
Some other world is glad to see
One star that ‘s gone away;
The light whose going makes our night
Makes somewhere else a day.
(No date or name of paper noted) Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible More obituaries to follow
Warner S. DRENAN is dead. After years of suffering, he breathed his last, Thursday night at his residence on Highland Ave., surrounded by dear friends, in the presence of a loving wife and baby children. It is not known how long he had been ill nor how much he had suffered. Born of hardy, pioneer parents, his wasn’t a nature that would complain and it is evident that he has suffered in silence for several years. The recent and more severe illness came upon him more than a year ago and cause was then diagnosed as consuption. About three months ago he was prostrated with the terrible malady and from which prostration he never recovered. Kind hands of loving friends ministered tohis every wnt and the best professional service was tendered him, but the fell destroyer had a too tenacious grasp on a constitution never strong and he passed away as in a gentle sleep, mourned by friends, relatives and neighbors alike. The editor of the GAZETTE regrets to state that he had no personal acquaintance with Mr. DRENAN, but he notes that his neighbors were his friends and a shadow of sorrow seems to hang over the whole community in the untimely demise of this popular young man. He has been a resident of Hardwick since he was five years of age.
He was born at Fort Slocum in 1864 and moved here with his father in 1869. Though bereft of a mother’s careduring his tender years his manly nature led him in paths that were right and he grew to manhood with attainments that, had he health, would have given him a peerage among peers. A close student at the Hardwick Academy, at the age of seventeen he was possessed of qualifications that entitled him to the positon of teacher which fact was taken advantage of and he followed that vocation for eight years, teaching the East Hardwick school successfully for seven terms.
In 1889 he married Miss Alma M. SILLOWAY, an estimable young lady of Elmore, who had been an assistant teacher to him during several terms. It may have been about this time that Mr. DRENAN became cognizant of the malady that later caused his demise. Leaving bright prospects at the old home, taking with him his bride of but a few hours he went to Sprague, Wash., where he secured a lucrativ position with the Union Pacific railroad. After five years of constant labor there he returned to Hardwick the illness of his father demanding his attention. Since then he has earned his livelihood by such light work as he was able to do.
The funeral was heldd from the Methodist Episcopal church last Saturday at one o’clock, Rev. W. S. SMITHERS officiating. The Hardwick band of which the deceased was an honored member attended the procession from the residence to the church thence to the cemetery, rendering beautiful dirges, of which the deceased was fond in life.
One of the largest congregations ever assembled in the M. E. church was present to do homage to an honest man. The floral offerings were very beautiful and were ingeniously arranged among the floral tributes was a very beautiful wreath in the centre of which were the letters “H. C. B.” The arrangement of the flowers was made by Miss Carrie WILLIAMS. A large procession followed the remains to the new cemetry. There he peacefully sleeps on the hillside among the flowers of his native town, and though interred with sorrow and gloom the birds are singing requiems over the new made mound in joy that a suffering soul has been released from troulbe and is at last at rest.
Some other world is glad to see
One star that ‘s gone away;
The light whose going makes our night
Makes somewhere else a day.
(No date or name of paper noted) Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible More obituaries to follow
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Funeral Card Wilmer Tyson 1922
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Funeral Card David Tyson 1840 - 1921
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Funeral Card Ann Fisher 1824-1900 Cheshire England

The 1891 census shows Fisher, William born about 1823 Rixton, Lancashire, England living in Burland, Cheshire England with wife Ann born about 1824 in Acton Cheshire England and daughter Ellen born 1850 in Acton.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
WW1 Memorial Card Ivy & Freda REEVES Victims on board Galway Castle, England to S. Africa 1918

On September 12, 1918. Aged 9 and 7 years.
Friday, March 23, 2007
1904 Funeral Card Matilda McClure
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Casket Plaque COCHRAN 1886
Phoebe Cochran died 97 years old in 1886
no photo available, submitted by Phyllis Jenkins (pjenkinATgmail.com) October 2006
no photo available, submitted by Phyllis Jenkins (pjenkinATgmail.com) October 2006
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Names Of Electors In Oswego New York
I have put a new database online for Oswego, New York. Names Of Electors In Oswego New York. The list of names on this page were found in the Samuel Stevenson papers. Samuel Stevenson ran a sawmill in Oswego, Oswego County, New York. He started to run the Sawmill in Dec of 1858 and was still running it in 1860.
The list of names on this page were found on some old papers that have been torn out of a ledger. The ledger was in alphabetical order but the only pages that have survived are C, D, V, W, H, S. I have not yet been able to determine the year of this election but from looking at the names and comparing them to census records I feel that it is most likely from the 1860 to 1900 time frame.
If you want to have a look at the database go to
Names Of Electors In Oswego New York.
Good Luck.
The list of names on this page were found on some old papers that have been torn out of a ledger. The ledger was in alphabetical order but the only pages that have survived are C, D, V, W, H, S. I have not yet been able to determine the year of this election but from looking at the names and comparing them to census records I feel that it is most likely from the 1860 to 1900 time frame.
If you want to have a look at the database go to
Names Of Electors In Oswego New York.
Good Luck.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Fraserville Cemetery, Cavan Township, Peterborough County Ontario
I hane put some photos of graves in Fraserville Cemetery, Cavan Township, Peterborough County Ontario online at Ancestors At Rest.
You can see them at
Fraserville Cemetery
Good Luck.
You can see them at
Fraserville Cemetery
Good Luck.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery, County of Barnstable Massachusetts
West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery County of Barnstable Massachusetts in the village of Yarmouth Port which is part of the town of Yarmouth.
I walked West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery in Barnstable
Massachusetts in August 2006.
Following is a PARTIAL list of photos I have online at
Ancestors At Rest
Ancestors At Rest Massachusetts
E. Elliott son of Elnathon & Julia A. Baker
Eliza wife of Elkanah Crowell died May 8 1884 (Eliza Bacon)
Elkanah Crowell died December 30 1885 age 92 years 9 months
Francis Crowell died 1905
Isaiah Crowell and wife Mercy Baker with children Lewis
Francis, Amelia, Francis Bacon and infant son
Ezekiel Crowell Jr who died on board Ship --- on her
passage from New York to New Orleans November 12, 1844 age
21 years
Capt. Abner Crowell died April 18, 1836 aged 63
Olive Widow of Abner Crowell
Lucendie Baxter (wife of Prince) died 1831 - December 29
age 66
Patty Gorham (wife of Jeremiah) died Nov. 16, 1863
Jeremiah Gorham born May 3 1787 died Dec 3 1861
Cynthia Gorham (wife of Jeremiah) dborn July 6 1783 died
Feb 16 1841
Joshua Taylor (son of Joice & Ruth) died Aug. 28, 1855
Joice Taylor Jr died 1848
Ruth wife of Joice Taylor
Charlotte L Jones (dau of Ansel & Eliza) died 1855 age 19
Prince Webber died 1845 age 38
Polly wife of Prince Webber
Ansell Hawes died March 1806 in his 29th year
Ebenezer Crowell (son of Gorham & Bethiah) died January
Isaiah Parker Born Jan. 10, 1770 Died Jan. 15, 1836
Temperance Parker (wife of Isaiah) died October 28, 1811
Nancy Carlow (wife of Lyman) died December 1811
Molly Gray wife of Gideon Gray, died 1813 in her 70th year
Abigail wife of Capt. Jeremiah Farris who died October 1805
In Memory of Mrs Molly wife of Cap Obadiah Baker who died
Oct 12 1806 in her 41st Year
In memory of Captain Silvenus Crowell Jr who departed this
life March 8 1803 age 42
Elizabeth Taylor wife of Abner Taylor died Dec'r 5th 1803
in the 57th Year of her age
Thomas Parker Departed this life April 9 1783 in the 31st
year (of his age)
Dorcas A Crowell
Jacob Parker died 1776
Abner Taylor son of Abner and Ruth died 1810
Lieut. Daniel Crowell
Susannah wife of Winthrop Sears
I walked West Yarmouth Woodside Cemetery in Barnstable
Massachusetts in August 2006.
Following is a PARTIAL list of photos I have online at
Ancestors At Rest
Ancestors At Rest Massachusetts
E. Elliott son of Elnathon & Julia A. Baker
Eliza wife of Elkanah Crowell died May 8 1884 (Eliza Bacon)
Elkanah Crowell died December 30 1885 age 92 years 9 months
Francis Crowell died 1905
Isaiah Crowell and wife Mercy Baker with children Lewis
Francis, Amelia, Francis Bacon and infant son
Ezekiel Crowell Jr who died on board Ship --- on her
passage from New York to New Orleans November 12, 1844 age
21 years
Capt. Abner Crowell died April 18, 1836 aged 63
Olive Widow of Abner Crowell
Lucendie Baxter (wife of Prince) died 1831 - December 29
age 66
Patty Gorham (wife of Jeremiah) died Nov. 16, 1863
Jeremiah Gorham born May 3 1787 died Dec 3 1861
Cynthia Gorham (wife of Jeremiah) dborn July 6 1783 died
Feb 16 1841
Joshua Taylor (son of Joice & Ruth) died Aug. 28, 1855
Joice Taylor Jr died 1848
Ruth wife of Joice Taylor
Charlotte L Jones (dau of Ansel & Eliza) died 1855 age 19
Prince Webber died 1845 age 38
Polly wife of Prince Webber
Ansell Hawes died March 1806 in his 29th year
Ebenezer Crowell (son of Gorham & Bethiah) died January
Isaiah Parker Born Jan. 10, 1770 Died Jan. 15, 1836
Temperance Parker (wife of Isaiah) died October 28, 1811
Nancy Carlow (wife of Lyman) died December 1811
Molly Gray wife of Gideon Gray, died 1813 in her 70th year
Abigail wife of Capt. Jeremiah Farris who died October 1805
In Memory of Mrs Molly wife of Cap Obadiah Baker who died
Oct 12 1806 in her 41st Year
In memory of Captain Silvenus Crowell Jr who departed this
life March 8 1803 age 42
Elizabeth Taylor wife of Abner Taylor died Dec'r 5th 1803
in the 57th Year of her age
Thomas Parker Departed this life April 9 1783 in the 31st
year (of his age)
Dorcas A Crowell
Jacob Parker died 1776
Abner Taylor son of Abner and Ruth died 1810
Lieut. Daniel Crowell
Susannah wife of Winthrop Sears
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Obituary Josie L. Batchelder nee Drenan, Vermont
(No paper name given. Pasted in back cover of Bible.)
BATCHELDER—Died, in Hardwick, Vt., November 13, Josie L. BATCHELDER, aged forty-five years, six months and four days. Mrs. BATCHELDER was born in Woodbury, Vt., and was the youngest daughter of the late James and Clarissa DRENAN. She was married January 1, 1860, and in September, 1861, Mr. BATCHELDER enlisted in the United States service in which he continued for three years. Being quite frail during this time, Mrs. BATCHELDER broke down in health and never recovered. Throught the close attention of a kind husband and friends her life was prolonged much beyond
its apparent limit. She early gave her heart to the Savior, and though deprived of many religious privileges by reason of poor health she took great delight in reading her Bible and in religious conversation, thus showing her sincere love for Christ and his cause. She ever had a pleasant word for all.
A few days before her death she told Mr. BATCHELDER that she was soon to die, and gave directions in regard to her funeral, making choice of those who should assist inits duties, and choosing two friends who should care for her in her approaching dissolution and prepare her for burial. In a few hours she was taken violently worse and continued to decline until death came to her relief. She leaves no children, a son of four years having died some twenty years ago.
Her funeral services were held in Woodbury, Rev. J. D. BAILEY officiating and speaking from Psalms xi: 1, “In the Lord put I my trust”-- words of her selection. The high esteem in which she was held was shown by the many friends who attended her funeral and by the sympathy expressed in various ways. The following lines were kindly composed by Mrs. S. L. SABIN of Woodbury:
Another has passed from this world of ours,
And tender ties are riven”
While one is left alone to mourn,
Another’s found the rest of heaven.
How sad the loss, the parting pain,
The bleeding heart and sore,
While we yearn for a voice and footstep
That returns to us no more.
But we know there are mansions in heaven,
and beside the jasper sea
Our dear ones are watching and waiting--
Yes, waiting for you and for me.
Ne’er let the heart give place to doubt,
Nor ask, nor question why;
Enough to know, if faithful her
We’ll meet the loved ones by and by.”
Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible More obituaries to follow
BATCHELDER—Died, in Hardwick, Vt., November 13, Josie L. BATCHELDER, aged forty-five years, six months and four days. Mrs. BATCHELDER was born in Woodbury, Vt., and was the youngest daughter of the late James and Clarissa DRENAN. She was married January 1, 1860, and in September, 1861, Mr. BATCHELDER enlisted in the United States service in which he continued for three years. Being quite frail during this time, Mrs. BATCHELDER broke down in health and never recovered. Throught the close attention of a kind husband and friends her life was prolonged much beyond
its apparent limit. She early gave her heart to the Savior, and though deprived of many religious privileges by reason of poor health she took great delight in reading her Bible and in religious conversation, thus showing her sincere love for Christ and his cause. She ever had a pleasant word for all.
A few days before her death she told Mr. BATCHELDER that she was soon to die, and gave directions in regard to her funeral, making choice of those who should assist inits duties, and choosing two friends who should care for her in her approaching dissolution and prepare her for burial. In a few hours she was taken violently worse and continued to decline until death came to her relief. She leaves no children, a son of four years having died some twenty years ago.
Her funeral services were held in Woodbury, Rev. J. D. BAILEY officiating and speaking from Psalms xi: 1, “In the Lord put I my trust”-- words of her selection. The high esteem in which she was held was shown by the many friends who attended her funeral and by the sympathy expressed in various ways. The following lines were kindly composed by Mrs. S. L. SABIN of Woodbury:
Another has passed from this world of ours,
And tender ties are riven”
While one is left alone to mourn,
Another’s found the rest of heaven.
How sad the loss, the parting pain,
The bleeding heart and sore,
While we yearn for a voice and footstep
That returns to us no more.
But we know there are mansions in heaven,
and beside the jasper sea
Our dear ones are watching and waiting--
Yes, waiting for you and for me.
Ne’er let the heart give place to doubt,
Nor ask, nor question why;
Enough to know, if faithful her
We’ll meet the loved ones by and by.”
Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible More obituaries to follow
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Clergy List Of The Diocese Of Meath 1622 Online
I just put a new Irish database online on Ancestors At Rest. Clergy List Of The Diocese Of Meath 1622.
You can see all my Irish records at Ireland.
You can see all my Irish records at Ireland.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Funeral Card George Tyson 1842-1909
Monday, March 12, 2007
Obituary Major J. S. DRENAN 1840-?
Hardwick (presumed Vermont)
Death of Maj. J. S. DRENAN
We regret to chronicle the death of Major J. S. DRENAN, which occurred at his home here on Sunday last. Deceased was born March 22, 1840. He enlisted at the beginning of the civil war and served for three years, making an excellent war record; for nine months he was confined in a rebel prison. After the war Major DRENAN lived at Morristown for several years, removing to Hardwick, where he had resided ever since, esteemed by his fellow citizens. He organized the G.A. R. post at Hardwick, which bears his name, and was its first commander; for four years also he was secretary and treasurer of the Vermont Association of ex-prisoners of war. The funeral was held on Wednesday under the auspices of the post, the Masonic fraternity also participating. (No date or name of paper on obit) Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible
More Drenan Family Obituaries to follow
Hardwick (presumed Vermont)
Death of Maj. J. S. DRENAN
We regret to chronicle the death of Major J. S. DRENAN, which occurred at his home here on Sunday last. Deceased was born March 22, 1840. He enlisted at the beginning of the civil war and served for three years, making an excellent war record; for nine months he was confined in a rebel prison. After the war Major DRENAN lived at Morristown for several years, removing to Hardwick, where he had resided ever since, esteemed by his fellow citizens. He organized the G.A. R. post at Hardwick, which bears his name, and was its first commander; for four years also he was secretary and treasurer of the Vermont Association of ex-prisoners of war. The funeral was held on Wednesday under the auspices of the post, the Masonic fraternity also participating. (No date or name of paper on obit) Transcribed by Ruth Barton, 11 March 2007. Her comments in ( )
See Drenan Family Bible
More Drenan Family Obituaries to follow
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Genealogy Records online
Hi All
I have put a little bit of new data on AncestorsAtRest.com that may be of interest to some of you.
I have put a list of Officers, Council and Members of the County Louth Ireland Archaeological Society 1913 ~ 1914. I think it has about 150 names.
Cumberland County, Nova Scotia Marriage Records 1896 ~ 1908
I have added a few more coffin plates to the index. They are all from the U.S.A. this week.
Hope this post helps.
I have put a little bit of new data on AncestorsAtRest.com that may be of interest to some of you.
I have put a list of Officers, Council and Members of the County Louth Ireland Archaeological Society 1913 ~ 1914. I think it has about 150 names.
Cumberland County, Nova Scotia Marriage Records 1896 ~ 1908
I have added a few more coffin plates to the index. They are all from the U.S.A. this week.
Hope this post helps.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Funeral Card Lizzie Sahler, 1892
1892 Victorian Funeral Remembrance Card for a 3 year old child named Lizzie D. Sahler age 3 years 3 months 8 days old
Died October 24th 1892
(no image available)
Died October 24th 1892
(no image available)
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Funeral card Ray Brown 1908
Funeral card for Ray Brown who died August 8th 1908
Memorial Publishing, Greenfield Indiana, Publishers
Gold on Black card with closed book design (bible), poetic verses,and "In Loving Rembrance" banner
no photo available
Memorial Publishing, Greenfield Indiana, Publishers
Gold on Black card with closed book design (bible), poetic verses,and "In Loving Rembrance" banner
no photo available
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Funeral Card Louis Ward WW1 1916 Scotland & France
Sunday, March 04, 2007
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