Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Ancient bones from Iron age or Roman settlement

Archaeologists who discovered human remains close to the A453 in Nottinghamshire believe they're from a late Iron age or early Roman settlement.
The bones which date back around two thousand years, were found in shallow graves during work to turn the road into a dual carriageway.
As well as the human remains, archaeologists unearthed pottery and jewellery including a jet bracelet.


Friday, October 26, 2012

9,300-year-old Kennewick Man skeleton found in Washington

Kennewick Man was definitely not a Native American, according to the most recent study of the prehistoric remains.
The 9,300-year-old skeleton actually has more in common with Polynesians, according to Doug Owsley, an anthropologist with the Smithsonian Institute who released an updated review of the bones Wednesday.
Owsley found that Kennewick man's skull has several similarities to the ancient coastal people in Asia, meaning he likely shares a common ancestor with modern day Polynesians.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ancient graves excavated in hunt for Mona Lisa

Researchers have opened ancient graves in a dilapidated convent in Florence as they continue their hunt for the woman who inspired Leonardo da Vinci to paint the famous Mona Lisa.
The team of experts have been working in the Saint Orsola convent since April, believe the body of the woman who modelled for da Vinci back in the 16th century is buried there.
According to Italian art historians, the real Mona Lisa was Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a rich Florentine silk merchant named Francesco del Giocondo, who is thought to have commissioned the portrait - although there is no definitive proof of this.

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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Coffin Plate Of Elmer A Butler

This is the coffin plate for poor little Elmer A Butler. Elmer died on Feb 17th 1875 at the age of 2 years and 7 months. As little Elmer was only 2 in 1875 we will not be able to find him on the census. But perhaps someone will know who he was.

Looking for more coffin plates for an ancestor? See

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner Family History Month Specials

The following promotion codes are valid 12:00 a.m.–11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (-6 GMT) on their respective dates when ordered on the Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner shop page. Remember to place all items in your shopping cart first, before entering the promotion code!

October 20-22
Save $15 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner!
(Regular price $149.99, sale price $134.99!)
No Promotion Code needed, just click on the link above!

Please note: these promotional codes cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion codes. Questions? Please contact customer service at 1-855-477-3547

Friday, October 19, 2012

Get a Pink Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner Bundle for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Want to add some bling to your Flip-Pal mobile scanner and help find a cure for breast cancer?   Don't have a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner yet?

As part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner has introduced a special "pink" bundle consisting of a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner, a pink Deluxe Carry Case and a pink lid cover.

Here's your chance to get one and show that you support finding a cure.  A portion of your purchase will go back to the National Breast Cancer Foundation

This bundle, which will normally retail for $176.99, is being offered at the special introductory price of $159.29 during the month of October!

The pink lid cover  is also being offered separately, at the special price of $14.39Order your bundle today.

October Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner Specials

The following promotion codes are valid 12:00 a.m.–11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (-6 GMT) on their respective dates when ordered on the Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner shop page. Remember to place all items in your shopping cart first, before entering the promotion code!

October 19β€”It’s Our Birthday!!!
One day only: Save $25 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner with Digital Creativity Suite 3.0 DVD plus you get FREE Shipping in the United States and Canada! (Regular price $209.99, sale price $184.99 plus free shipping!)
Use Promotion Code: birthday

October 20-22
Save $15 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner!
(Regular price $149.99, sale price $134.99!)
No Promotion Code needed, just click on the link above!

Please note: these promotional codes cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion codes. Questions? Please contact customer service at 1-855-477-3547

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WW2 Soldiers' Dog Tags Lost & Found

Case No. 16: George Coleman Dog Tags Need to Go Home is online at Olive Tree Genealogy blog. Join the group trying to send these WW2 soldiers' dog tags home. There are still open cases waiting for help.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two Great Genealogy Contests to Enter!

There's a contest and giveaway over at Olive Tree Genealogy blog. You can win a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner and Carry Case in one giveaway. See the entry details.

In the second contest giveaway you can win a 3-month World Subscription to plus one for a friend! There's 6 contests for this one so you can keep trying to win.  See the details

Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner October Specials!

The following promotion codes are valid 12:00 a.m.–11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (-6 GMT) on their respective dates when ordered on the Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner shop page. Remember to place all items in your shopping cart first, before entering the promotion code!

October 15-18
Save $30 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner plus a Deluxe Flip-Pal mobile scanner Carry Case and a Flip-Pal mobile scanner Sketch Kit!
(Regular price $193.97, sale price $163.97!)
Use Promotion Code: family15

October 19β€”It’s Our Birthday!!!
One day only: Save $25 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner with Digital Creativity Suite 3.0 DVD plus you get FREE Shipping in the United States and Canada! (Regular price $209.99, sale price $184.99 plus free shipping!)
Use Promotion Code: birthday

October 20-22
Save $15 when you purchase a Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner!
(Regular price $149.99, sale price $134.99!)
No Promotion Code needed, just click on the link above!

Please note: these promotional codes cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion codes. Questions? Please contact customer service at 1-855-477-3547

Monday, October 15, 2012

Take the Ancestry Death Challenge Contest to Win Great Prizes

Want to win an iPad or other great prizes? Just solve mysteries from beyond the grave using collections and your investigative powers through November 2.

The October Death Record Education Program starts today with your first challenge. You have 24 hours from the moment the contest starts to enter your answer on the site. The first contest  opens at 12:01 Monday morning October 15th, and will close at 11:59 pm on Tuesday. 

The winner will then be posted Wednesday along with the new question. Prizes will be given for Monday and Wednesday questions. 

 Friday questions simply give the participant an extra entry for the grand prize of an iPad.  Winners are announced at Death Contest  or simply go to the main death page and click on the tab on the left labeled β€œContest.”

The prizes for each day are listed on Olive Tree Genealogy blog.

Today’s Challenge: A Death in the FamilyYou can back daily for tips, hints and more challengesβ€”each one you answer is another entry in the grand prize drawing. So get started now at Death Contest for your chance to win!